Branches of the Word will be hosting a youth conference on November 18th, 2017 at the Scotiabank Convention Centre in Niagara Falls, Canada. Regenerate(d) 2017 will feature dynamic talks from Catholic speakers including Genevieve Broadley, Jennifer Fulwiler, Trent Horn, Ante Skoko and Robert Skoko. The conference’s main celebrant and homilist is Fr. Rico Passero, pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Grimsby, Ontario. The theme of this year’s conference is Apologetics: How to respond to the other “isms” Catholics encounter in everyday life, with the conference challenge being “What is Truth?”.
Coined by Pontius Pilate, “What is truth?” is arguably one of the most important questions that we face in modern times. In today’s culture, the very existence of truth is under attack – many argue that faith and reason are incompatible and truth is relative. Divisions within Christianity makes one wonder, “Is Catholicism just one of the many or does it have a unique claim to ‘Truth?’” How and where do we find truth in a world that sends the message that it is negotiable? Join us as we explore ‘Truth’ and practical ways to share this with family and friends.