
The Resurrection of the Body

The Eleventh Article of the Apostles’ Creed The Resurrection of the Body  The Eleventh Article of the Apostles’ Creed  is The Resurrection of the Body. All of us must die because we have sinned in Adam. We as Christians should not fear death because we know that this is just place of testing, it is our exodus before reaching [...]

What is Catechesis ?

What is Catechesis?  Is Catechesis important?      A couple of  questions have already been asked  and I haven't even begun this post. The answers to these questions may be obvious to some, but for others they are very important ; especially if you claim the name "Catholic" or are just interested in the Church at all. It is so important [...]

The Third Day He Rose Again from the Dead

The Third Day He Rose Again from the Dead  Fifth Article of the Apostle's Creed  :  Jesus's  Resurrection     We have talked, actually typed and hopefully read, wink wink, much of what has been written on this blog about Our Dear Lord and His life and death. Now we need to look at the true [...]

What is Your Passion?

When you hear the word passion, what is the first thought that enters your mind? Is it that intense love you feel for someone very special? Maybe you get fired up when you think about your favourite sports team winning the next game? While passion is a very intense feeling, that brings an unusual excitement [...]

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