
Paper and Pencils

Curious people are experimenting with the latest internet game and many concerned people are sending out warnings! But before we dive into that craze I am stepping back in time and sharing with you a personal story about a game I use to play that was all the rage years back called the Ouija board. It has [...]

Fallen Angels and Demons

Fallen Angels       So, were the fallen angels always bad? The answer is no, God created all of the angels good. Lets see what The 4th Lateran Council in 1215 has to say, ” the devil and the other demons were created by God good in their nature but they by themselves have made themselves evil” [...]

What is Catechesis ?

What is Catechesis?  Is Catechesis important?      A couple of  questions have already been asked  and I haven't even begun this post. The answers to these questions may be obvious to some, but for others they are very important ; especially if you claim the name "Catholic" or are just interested in the Church at all. It is so important [...]

The Third Day He Rose Again from the Dead

The Third Day He Rose Again from the Dead  Fifth Article of the Apostle's Creed  :  Jesus's  Resurrection     We have talked, actually typed and hopefully read, wink wink, much of what has been written on this blog about Our Dear Lord and His life and death. Now we need to look at the true [...]

What is Your Passion?

When you hear the word passion, what is the first thought that enters your mind? Is it that intense love you feel for someone very special? Maybe you get fired up when you think about your favourite sports team winning the next game? While passion is a very intense feeling, that brings an unusual excitement [...]

What is the Big Deal About “Gender Theory” ?

  Catholic Teaching on Gender Theory The Catholic Church and the Grave Harm of so-called  " Gender Theory "        A good place to start is by trying my best to explain what the so-called  "gender theory"  actually is. I should also warn parents right here and now, that it is vitally important that you school yourselves in [...]

What is a Christian Marriage?

The Wedding Feast at Cana The Savior Sanctifies Christian Marriage at Cana and performs His first Public Miracle by changing Water into Wine         I think it an appropriate time to look at what the Church teaches about the Sacrament of  Marriage.      The resources I will be using for this post will all be doctrinal [...]

Catholic Teaching on Euthanasia

 Thou  Shalt  Not  Kill          Euthanasia  has been a hot topic recently in the Canadian News.   In a landmark judgment, Canada’s Supreme Court on Friday February 6 2015, struck down laws prohibiting doctor-assisted suicide for patients with “grievous and irremediable medical conditions,” ruling that doctors may now help such patients to end their lives through [...]

Will You Pay It Forward?

During my years growing up in the Catholic Church, I always regarded the “faith” that I had come to understand (that is, all the beliefs, prayers, traditions and Catholic stuff we did) as something that was passed down to me from generations past. In other words, my parents learned from their parents, my grand-parents from [...]

What about the twelfth day of Christmas?

No doubt many of us are familiar with the popular Christmas song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" where special gifts are given each day from that "one true love". While there is much information to read about the origin and true meaning of this song, it has nevertheless captured the imagination of many of us [...]

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