It is another Lenten season. How are you going to observe it? Pray, fast, give? What are you fasting from or giving up this season? The forty days of Lent is like our journey through the desert of this life especially when we unite ourselves with Christ’s trial in the desert.

                 And he fasted forty days and forty nights, and afterward he was hungry.

                                                                                               Matthew 4:2

Lent is a time to weed bad habits, plant, water and allow good habits to grow, and not to abstain from sin for a period of time.  We ought to take our spiritual journey to Easter and be in a different place spiritually than we were on Ash Wednesday. We are called to reflect on the Lord’s passion, and also renew our baptismal vows to live as God’s children. Daily submission to God is required of us and we nourish our spirit by studying the word and prayer while intentionally staying away from things that will not bring glory to God and saying ‘no’ to anything less than God’s best. Lent is all about conversion, turning our lives completely to Christ. The flesh may resist as Saint Paul wrote to the Galatians “For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want” (Galatians 5:17). Hold on to God. Be contrite, penitent, humble and obedient.