We are all ‘called’ to the primary mission of the church which is to share the gospel when we are baptized. Our daily lives as Christians should reflect our faith in Christ. 

                             Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…

                                                                                                 Matthew 28:19.

Is sharing the gospel only for the priests and religious? No. How do I share the gospel when I am not ordained? Sharing the gospel or discipleship is the duty of every Christian. That is why we are created and what we are ‘called’ to do. Christian discernment means that we take some time to reflect and recognize our talents and gifts and the greatest needs of the world. St Ignatius suggests 3 questions to ask ourselves everyday: where was God today, how did I respond to His call and where is He leading me tomorrow? As disciples of Christ, our ways, words and actions should be a reflection of Christ, whether married, unmarried, parent, co-worker, or in whatever profession God has called us. Discipleship is a challenging journey, but the opportunity to share the hope-filled news with others and the ability to change someone’s life is exciting. We are ‘called’ to be disciples.