As a Christian, where are you planted? What is your source of nourishment? The word of God? We can only be fed as we meditate on the Word day and night. 

He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. 

Psalm 1:3

Psalm 1:1-2 tells us what makes a successful person: avoid ungodly counsel, avoid the lifestyle of sinners, do not reside with the scornful, live in spiritually fruitful places and verse 2 sums it up that he delights in the law of the Lord. Many people do not blossom with the beauty of Christ because they are not rooted in the word of God. A person rooted in the word of God has the life that Psalm 1:3 describes. Are you experiencing this life? If not, how can you be rooted in the scripture? A plant that is not watered will not be productive, and when we fail to be productive, we fail to fulfill our purpose. Life brings storms and our character is tested on how well we withstand the storms. If our leaf withers in adversity then we are not planted in the word of God. When we read and study the word of God, we are burying our roots deeper into the good life-giving soil and will never be dry and wilted. Where are you planted?