The Forgiveness of Sins
The Tenth Article of the Apostles’ Creed
We are going to take a look at The Tenth Article of the Apostles’ Creed, “The Forgiveness of Sins”. Jesus means “Saviour” ! The Second Person of the Divine Trinity became man to save us from sin. No one is forgiven of any sin except through the merits that Jesus won for us on the Cross ; those merits He won for us have been personally entrusted to be dispensed through the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. The treasury of Christ’s Divine Graces are ALL dispensed through the Catholic Church. We learned earlier that the Church is the Universal Sacrament of Salvation ; that does not take away at all from the fact that the Church is also the Universal Sacrament of Penance. Jesus made sure to reveal to us how He would like for the Church to dispense His graces ; through the Holy Mass, Sacraments, prayer, and charitable works of the faithful. The Church is open to ALL who seek mercy and forgiveness. It is also important for each of us to ask the question “what we as human beings needed saving from?” Also, what EXACTLY did Jesus save us from? He saved us from eternal life in Hell ! This is the TRUTH!
God is merciful and wills that all turn to Him for friendship. He forgives those who ask for forgiveness and those who make an effort at true repentance. No matter who you are, or what you have done, Jesus died for you and welcomes you back into friendship with him. Not only that, but Jesus transforms people from sinners into Saints if you participate with His grace! Sinners truly make great Saints !
I am no Saint, but I can honestly say that Jesus has TRANSFORMED me into a new, and better person than I used to be! I am living proof of Jesus’s Divine Mercy! I thought that God didn’t care about me because of how sinful I was ; I was so wrong! I had left the Church for 20 years, how could I come back? Well, He welcomed me home like the prodigal son and has continued to bless me ever since. I cannot say enough about how pleased God is to welcome a prodigal son or daughter home ; He is waiting to throw you a huge party right now! Heaven REJOICES when a sinner who has been living in sin turns to God, asks for forgiveness, and takes steps to sin no more! He helps us all through the journey of life with His Sacraments and Holy Mass. When I first came back to Church after 20 years, I would have to go to Confession 3-4 times per week and give humiliating confessions. Eventually the Divine Graces from going to the Sacrament of Confession, and attending Holy Mass, and actually having the will to want to change, transformed my life and my thinking! I want to please God now, not just myself. That doesn’t mean that I don’t still sin and make mistakes, of course I do, just ask my wonderful wife 🙂 .
In ending I have to say that Our Lord died on the Cross and established the Church on Earth to save us from Hell. In dying on the Cross, He entrusted to the Church the instruments and channels of mercy that are necessary in order for man or woman to enter into Heaven.
May Almighty God protect us from the World, the devil, the heretics, and ourselves!
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